Hi! Very nice blog there, would you happen to be _duif on last.fm, by chance? Because I just stumbled across your profile the other day, what a coincidence. (I don't know if I should actually write in french?) Anyway, I've listened to all the When albums by now, and I like them all. I'll add your blog to our list too.
Essayez aussi le When sur mon blog http://schwebeablaut.blogspot.com/, merci!
RépondreSupprimerHi! Very nice blog there, would you happen to be _duif on last.fm, by chance? Because I just stumbled across your profile the other day, what a coincidence. (I don't know if I should actually write in french?) Anyway, I've listened to all the When albums by now, and I like them all. I'll add your blog to our list too.
RépondreSupprimerTiens, on tombe sur ce blog quand on tape le nom de l'album sur google.
RépondreSupprimerUn petit chef d'oeuvre de pop à la fois niaise et torturée.