
Paysage d'Hiver - Nacht (2004)

« Beaucoup voulurent en vain dire en mots de joie la joie suprême. Ici enfin elle me parle. Ici, dans le deuil. » Sophocle


5 commentaires:

  1. Thanks for this. I love Paysage D'Hiver! Do you have any of the other titles in FLAC? Would be most appreciated!

  2. Yes, I actually have the whole discography. Due to a lack of time and inspiration, for me it's hard to talk and post about the other masterpieces, such as the eponym, winterkälte, steineiche etc. Wintherr's music is so essential that I feel ill-at-ease when I have to talk about. But I'll do it for sure. ;)

  3. You're right, essential! Thank you so much for the response, and keep up the good variety on the blog, it's nice!
